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China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, and North Vietnam.

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Q: What country was communistic but is outside the Iron Curtain?
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What divided the continent of europe into communist and noncommunist countries?

The Iron Curtain was the line drawn between Western and Eastern Europe, or Communistic and Non-Communistic Europe.

What major country does the iron curtain divide into two parts?

The Iron Curtain no longer exists. When it did, the country it divided was Germany.

Which country lies behind the Iron Curtain since 2008?

The Iron Curtain came down in 1989. No country lies behind it as of 2008.

Which communist country was behind the iron curtain?

Soviet Union

What did Wiston Churchill mean by an iron curtain and what did it separate?

The iron curtain was an official border (not really iron or a curtain) in the middle of Germany. Its made it clear that West Germany and East Berlin had their own side of the country. But now, they are all one country, Germany but Berlin IS the capital.

What is the country that split in two after World War 2?

Germany (by the Iron curtain).

What was the term that described the dividing line between communist Eastern Europe and non COnmmunist Western Europe?

The Iron Curtain.

Was the iron curtain an actual iron curtain?

No. It was like invisible, there were only military forces. The term "iron curtain" was just a metaphor.

Where are the cracks in the iron curtain as seen on the map?

Yugoslavia and Albania were the cracks in the iron curtain.

What country was the iron curtain in?

it spanded many countries, germany being the main one.

What country 'dropped' the iron curtain during the cold war?

The USSR (soviet union)

What was symbolic of which churchill speaks of the iron curtain?

the iron curtain speaks is a symbol of?