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Q: What country was the first movable type used in?
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The first use of movable type was in which country?

Germany China used movable wooden blocks for Chinese characters and printing hundreds of years before Gutenberg.

What was going on when movable type invented?

Movable type was really important because back then people didn't have computers so they used movable type. Movable types are still used today.

What were the metal letters used to replace wood blocks for printing?

Metal letters used to replace wood blocks for printing were called movable type. This innovation, credited to Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century, revolutionized printing by allowing for faster and more efficient production of books and other printed materials.

What new machine used movable type?

Printing Press

What was the movable type used for?

it was for printing out documents and printing other things.

When did Gutenberg make the machine?

Gutenberg invented Movable Type printing- using a printing press- the usual manually operated , somewhat guillotine-like up and down type was actually out earlier but Gutenberg pioneered movable type- wood type, wood and metal composite- it went through a variety of trials and errors. The Gutenberg Bible was published in l45l, this is the first major book printed by movable type. Earlier Bibles were laboriously hand-scribed with such things as illuminated manuscripts- it is possible stencils were used to get uniform curlicues- but The Gutenberg Bible was the first printed with movable type.

What country was responsible for movable type?

Countries are not "responsible" when one person invents something. When Johannes Gutenberg was alive he lived in Mainz, in what is now known as Germany (But he would not have understood if you called him a "German".) but weas then part of the Holy Roman Empire. Certainly a western idea that movable type or even metal movable type was invented by Gutenberg. He may have invented a useable and practical application for movable metal type with Latin letters as the basis for printing but China was using movable wooden block characters hundreds of years prior to Gutenberg and tin movable blocks were used by Korean printers before him too.

What was the movable type printing used for?

it was for printing out documents and printing other things.

What was gutenburg famous for developing?

he was known for developing a printing press that used movable metal type

Who invented the printing press with medal movable type in 1455 AD?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press with metal movable type in 1455 AD. This innovation revolutionized the way books were produced and disseminated, leading to a major advancement in the spread of knowledge and information during the Renaissance.

What does movable mean?

Movable type is a set of letters on individual blocks, so that they can be moved and placed independently of the others in order to print different words and sentences. Movable type is small blocks of metal or wood that can be used more than once and can be arranged in a printing press to print books or newspapers. It was used all over the world until computer printing was invented.

How movable type help the spread of knowledge?

Long ago people used it to make there first printing system which is now our world history. :)