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Q: What crop was unsuccessfully grown in New England because the soil was too poor?
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Why was tobacco imporant to Jamestown?

Because it was a cash crop that was first grown and sent to England by John Rolfe. This was grown on most plantations in Jamestown as well as indigo.

What crop was grown by New England farmers that was used in the making of cloth?


What is the main crop of England?

The main crops that are grown are wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, and vegetables.

Is mushroom a crop?

this question can be true or false because yes a mushroom is a fungus but it can be grown like a crop

What is England's national crop?

One of the main crops in England is wheat. Other crops grown in the country are corn, potatoes, sugar, and oats.

What cash crop is grown in Columbia?

Coffee is the cash crop grown in Columbia.

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Is salt a crop?

No. Salt is mined, not grown. A crop is something that is grown -- plants.

If corn is called crop what is oranges?

anything that is or can be grown on a field or grown by farmers is a crop.

What is a crop grown in us that starts with letter s?

Soybeans are a crop grown in the US.

Why are crash crop primarily raised for?

To sell for money because of a low supply and a great demand. Like after tabacco was discovered in the 13 colonies it was grown by settlers to sell back to England

What is the most common crop grown in Britain?

the modt common crop grown in Britain is wheat.