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continental crust

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Q: What crustal rocks found beneath the continents?
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What do we call the sudden slipping of rocks beneath the earth's surface?


What processes found at a divergent boundary help form the following rocks?

The process of upwelling magma is found a divergent boundaries. As this magma nears the surface it decompresses, and some of it flows onto the surface of the Earth as lava. Magma that solidifies beneath the surface of the Earth hardens into gabbro while lava on the surface of the Earth hardens into basalt. Both of these are igneous rocks. Metamorphic rocks are formed from the heat flowing from the igneous rocks. Sedimentary rocks are formed from the sediments collecting in the basins created from rifting (that is, the divergent boundaries). Metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are not considered to be formed at divergent boundaries.

What features of sedimentary rocks are unlikely to be found in metamorphic rocks what features of metamorphic rocks do not occur in sedimentary rocks?


Are igneous rocks the rarest rocks found on earth?

Apples are cool

When were the Andes Mountain formed?

The Andes formed during the Cretaceous period (about 138 million to about 65 million years ago) when the Pacific crustal plate began to slowly slide beneath the South American plate, uplifting and folding the sedimentary rocks that comprise the Andes (seePlate Tectonics).The Andean mountain system is the result of global plate-tectonic forces during the Cenozoic Era (the last 66.4 million years) that built upon earlier geologic activity. About 250 million years ago, the crustal plates constituting the Earth's landmass were joined together into the supercontinent Pangaea. hi

Related questions

They make up the crustal rocks found beneath the oceans?

it is the rocks that found beneath the oceans

What is crustal Compression?

when they are pushed together they form crustal rocks

Do plates and crustal plates differ?

Plates and Crustal plates are not different it can also be called as Crustal rocks

How can such heavy things as the continents float?

Continents float because the rock beneath them is denser then the surface rocks The surface rocks are poorer in iron than the deeper layers. The continents are made mostly of silica rich rock, which is less dense than oceanic crust, so when the two come in contact, the oceanic crust sinks beneath the continent.

What has less density--the crustal rocks or the mantle rocks?

Crustal rock is normally less dense than mantle rock.

Where are most sedimentary rocks found on continents formed?


What two continents are rocks and minerals found on?

Rocks and minerals are found on every continent, not just two - they are found underneath the ocean as well.

How are rocks near continents different from rocks found near centers of seafloor spreading?

Rocks near continents(on the margins of oceanic basins) are generally older and rocks near a center of sea floor spreading are younger

What two continents has matching rocks and minerals are found?

South America and Africa

Why do rocks and crustal plates move?

beacause it is moving

What is formed when crustal rocks are compressed?

Wrinkles by:kenly

What are two continents on witch matching rocks and minerals are found?

South America and Africa