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Beta with a decay of a positron (as opposed to the more common electron).

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Q: What decay decreases atomic mass by 1?
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What is the radioactive decay of an atom resulting in the decrease in the atomic number with no charge in the atomic mass called?

It is called beta decay. there are two types: 1) posive beta decay in which atomic number decreases. 2) negative beta decay in which atomic number increases.

What changes in atomic number and mass number occur in beta emission?

Electron (beta minus) decay: the atomic mass remain approx. constant, the atomic number will be greater with 1 Positron (beta plus) and electron capture decay: the atomic mass remain approx. constant, the atomic number decrease with 1 Double beta decay: the atomic mass remain approx. constant, the atomic number will be greater with 2

What happen to atomic number and mass number of nucleus when it emits alpha particle electron and proton?

It's been awhile for me, but this is how I remember it. It is not convenient for me to look it up right at the moment, so you may want to verify this. Emitting an alpha particle (2 proton 2 neutron), atomic number would decrease by 2 and atomic mass decreases by 4.Electron emission means a neutron turns into a proton and electron, but the electron shoots out. The atomic number increases by 1 and atomic mass stays the same. Proton emission, well it loses a proton. So the atomic number decreases and mass decreases.

What is a good explanation why the atomic number stays the same during beta decay?

To my knowledge (and I stand to be corrected on this), the atomic number of an element does not stay the same after beta decay but increases or decreases by 1 depending on the direction of the decay; if a neutron becomes a proton, the atomic number changes by +1; if a proton becomes a neutron, the atomic number changes by -1.

When uranium-238 atomic number 92 decays by emitting an alpha particle it becomes?

The atomic number will decrease by 2. An alpha particle is a helium-4 nucleus, and it contains a pair of protons and a pair of neutrons. During alpha decay, an atomic nucleus has its atomic mass decrease by 4, and its atomic number decrease by 2.

How is the atomic number of a nucleus changed by beta decay?

An alpha particle is essentially a helium atomic nucleus with 2 protons and 2 neutrons. An alpha particle decay will result in the loss of 2 protons and 2 neutrons. Because mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons, an alpha decay will reduce the mass number by 4, (and the atomic number by 2).

What happens to the group 1 elements as you go down the table?

As you go down group 1, the atomic number and atomic mass increase. Electronegtivity decreases and atomic radius increases.

Bombarding a nucleus with high-energy particles that change it from one element into another is called?

During two types of radioactive decay an element is converted into another, 1- beta decay, during this decay a new element is formed with increase of one unit in atomic no but having the same atomic mass, 2- alpha decay converts the element into another having two units less in atomic no and four unit less in atomic mass.

How does beta radiation affect the nucleus?

The end result of beta- decay is that a neutron is converted into a proton, increasing the atomic number while keeping the atomic mass number the same. The end result of beta+ decay is that a proton is converted into a neutron, decreasing the atomic number while keeping the atomic mass number the same.

How does alpha beta and gamma decay change the nucleus?

Gamma decay is the release of energy, but does not in itself change the nucleas Alpha decay is the loss of 2 protrons and 2 neutrons, lowering the atomic number by 2 and mass number by 4 Beta can occur as a result of a neutron turning into a protron, raising the atomic number by 1 and charge by 1

Infer the mass number and the atomic number of a nucleus change when it emits a beta particle?

Answer: It depends on the type of beta decay. There are two types of beta radiation: beta minus and beta plus. (In both cases, the mass number is not affected.)In the occurrence of beta minus decay, the atomic number increases by one, but the mass number stays the same. A neutron is changed into a proton via the weak nuclear interaction. An electron and an electron anti-neutrino are emitted. (One of the down quarks that make up the hadron is being changed to an up quark, and that is enough to change the entire hadron).In the occurrence of beta plus decay, the atomic number decreases by one, but the mass number stays the same. A positron and an electron neutrino are generally emitted.Beta minus occurs when there are too many neutrons in the nucleus. Beta plus occurs when there are too many protons in the nucleus.Important Detail: Some gamma rays are emitted shortly after beta plus, beta minus, or alpha decay because the nuclei still has excess energy.Answer: A beta particle (AKA an electron or positron) has a mass number of zero and an atomic number of -1 or +1, so the product of decay has the same mass but an atomic number 1 different than the original nuclei.

The atomic mass is the?

The expression atomic mass is used only for isotopes; the atomic mass is the mass of an atom expressed in unified atomic mass units - (1 amu = 1/12 atomic mass of carbon-12).For elements the expression is atomic weight; the unit is the same.