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Active transport can only occur at intact, closed membranes. Such membranes can envelop very different compartments, like the whole cell, vesicles, the vacuole, the mitochondrial matrix, the inner thylacoid space of the chloroplasts, etc.

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In active transport, the cell has to provide energy for it to occur. The cell doesn't have to provide energy for passive transport.

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Q: What determines whether or not a substance will be actively transported through a cell membrane?
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What determines whether or not a substance can be actively transported through the membrane?

Active transport can only occur at intact, closed membranes. Such membranes can envelop very different compartments, like the whole cell, vesicles, the vacuole, the mitochondrial matrix, the inner thylacoid space of the chloroplasts, etc.

Under what condition would a molecule need to be actively transport across a membrane?

A molecule would be actively transported when an equal concentration of solutes exist on either side of the cell membrane.

Which is a factor that determies whether a mole can cross a cell membrane?

Lipid solubility determines if it will diffuse across. The presence of specific protein carrier molecules determines if it will be transported across the membrane.

What is the limiting factor for the reabsorption of most actively transported solutes in the proximal tubule?

the number of transport carriers in the luminal membrane

When a cell membrane actively surrounds a solid substance and forms a vesicle which moves into the cell this is called what?


What substance crosses the cell membrane through osmosis?

Only water is transported through the process of osmosis.

What determineds the direction in which a substance diffuses across a membrane?

Concentration gradient determines the direction of flow.

How do materials get in and out of the cell?

Some materials cross the cell membrane by diffusion. Some cross through channels. Some bind to receptors and are actively transported.

How is water transported across the membrane?

Water is transported by a passive transport called osmosis. Osmosis is diffusion of water across the membrane.

What property of the cell membrane enables it to perform active transport?

Embedded in the semi-permeable cell membrane are many different types of carrier proteins or channel proteins. These globular proteins allow the transport of specific substances from the outside of the cell into the cell or vice versa.Specific means each protein can only transport one type of substance across. For example, Protein A can transport Substance X but not Substance Y. Substance Y has to be transported by Protein B which cannot transport Substance X. The specific nature of these globular proteins mean it is easier for these molecules to be transported.

Does the single cell get nutrition from cell membrane?

No,they get from outside.They are transported through membrane.

What determines the flow of the plasma membrane?
