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you aint got no pancake mix

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Q: What did Andrew Jackson prefer over studying?
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What was Andrew Jackson's weight?

Andrew never stayed over 145 pounds

What president had 20 duels over his wife?

Andrew Jackson

How many states was Andrew Jackson president over?

23 States

What was Andrew Jackson's background?

Andrew Jackson served in the American Revolution. He was very young. A British soldier made him shine his boots and when Jackson refused, he cut Jackson's face. Andrew Jackson stayed in the military and helped the US take over Florida and fought the British at the Battle of New Orleans.

When did Andrew Jackson fight a gentlemen's dual?

In 1806 Andrew Jackson, killed Charles Dickinson in a gentlemen's dual. The dispute was over remarks made by Dickinson about Jackson's wife, the former Rachel Robbards.

How many slaves did Andrew Jackson have?

He had over 300 slaves because he was rich.

How did Andrew Jackson respond to the nullification crisis?

He took over the American bank

Andrew Jackson related to what kind of people?

Andrew Jackson related to the common man. In 1828, He triumphed over the aristocratic, reclusive and unpopular incumbent President John Quincy Adams.

How many duels did Andrew Jackson attend?

Andrew Jackson is an interesting president in that he is subject to much folk lore. Most sources agree that Jackson participated in 13 duels over his lifetime, and killed only one man, Charles Dickinson.

Some memorable conclusion about Andrew Jackson?

Andrew Jackson wanted all of his friends and supporters to be in government positions. To this end, he removed over 900 people and placed his supporters. He also established the Democratic party.

Why did Andrew Jackson kill Charles Dickinson?

because they were fighting over wives

Why did Andrew Jackson not have a Vice President?

John C. Calhoun resigned as Andrew Jackson's Vice President on 1832 December 28, before Jackson's first term was over. At this time the 25th Amendment to the Constitution had not yet been passed, so there was no provision for replacing a Vice President.