

Best Answer

The Pythagorean_theorem.

By: johnathan Jackson

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Q: What did the Greeks contribute to measurement today?
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In the area of blessings it's hard to say what the Greeks had, but they did contribute great things to western society. The Greeks introduced, philosophy and the early idea of democracy that the west considers pillars of today's modern world.

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The Greeks existed first then they collapsed and the Romans took center stage. You are asking a trick question, the Romans didn't contribute anything to Greek theatre. The Greeks contributed to Roman theatre though.

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Wonderful mythology, tragedies, and the gyro.

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Romans and Greeks used a "foot" as a measurement. English kings made an iron ruler to determine the exact measurement.

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What is ancient measurement system?

The ancient measurement system of which applied to early greeks, romans, egyptians, arabs, and parts of Gaul and Spain; Is Shinto.

What establishments or contributions besides the Olympics did the Greeks contribute to the world?

In medicine, the Greeks set the foundations for modern investigative methods doctors use to diagnose patients and give a prognosis. The hippocratic oath which every doctor still takes even today is Greek in origin.

What do Greeks wear today?

They wear just what we wear today.