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"prisons of nationalities."

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Q: What did Historians call some of the empires that existed in the nineteenth century?
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Historians have called some of the empires that existed in the nineteenth century prisons of nationalities What empires do you think they were referring to?

Austrian, Russian and Ottoman Empires. All of these contained different national and cultural groups that wanted independence.

Historians have called some of the empires that existed in the nineteenth century prisons of nationalities What empires do you think they were referring to Explain?

They were probably referring to theAustrian, Russian and Ottoman Empires. All of these containeddifferent national and cultural groups that wanted independence.

What have historians called some of the empires that existed in the nineteenth century prisons of nationalities and what empires were they referring to?

It sound like you are talking about the European colonial empires. Britain, France, Portugal, Germany, Italy and Belgium formed empires by conquering lands in Africa, the Americas and Asia and turning them into colonies. Spain had created the oldest colonial European empire in South and Central America and the Philippines , but lost it in the 19th century.

Could a dog born in the nineteenth century have had rabies?

Yes. Rabies has existed for thousands if not millions of years.

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What is the origin of the Christmas snow globe?

Christmas snow globes have existed since the middle of the nineteenth century. They were first introduced in 1878 at the Universal Exposition in Paris, France.

What three Indian empires existed in South America?

The Incas, Mayans and Aztecs were 3 Indian empires that existed in South America.

Places in the West where major mines existed in the second half of the nineteenth century included California Nevada Montana and the Black Hills of?

Just took the quiz. Its South Dakota.

What was the proper sphere for a women in the nineteenth century?

In the nineteenth century, a woman's proper sphere was considered to be primarily domestic and focused on managing the household, raising children, and supporting her husband. Women were expected to be virtuous, modest, and obedient to male authority figures. Limited opportunities existed for women outside the home, such as teaching or nursing.

When did schools start using buses to bring children to school?

School buses have existed almost as long as automobiles have existed. In the nineteenth century, before the invention of the automobile, horse drawn carriages called 'kid hacks' sometimes transported children to school.

What powerful empires at about the same time?

Some powerful empires that existed around at the same time were the Aztec and Inca Empires. However, the Inca Empire was much larger.

What evidence shows that Phoenicia existed?

The writings of contemporary historians.