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he didn't "need" any land. he wanted land for POWER.

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Q: Where did Hitler plan to find the land he felt he need to make Germany a great power?
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What could be done to stop such war like world war 2?

World War 2 could have been completely preventable if Hitler was not given so much free power to do what he felt was necessary for Germany.

Why did Hitler leave Austria during childhood?

Hitler moved to Munich, Germany from Vienna, Austria in 1913, after receiving the final payment from his father's estate. He later wrote (in Mein Kampf) that he had always considered himself to be a German and wanted to live in a "real" German city. However, the move also allowed Hitler to evade service in the Austrian military.

Why did the world war ll begin and why?

Like any major war, World War II did not have a specific start date but was the result of a 20 year buildup of resentment over the outcome of the First World War (know then as The Great War); however, 1939 is condsidered to be the year when this resentment by Germany, Italy and Japan, of territory allotments and power, reached war status. The Great War (World War I) reduced Germany to a powerless and very restricted and confined nation, yet two of the victors, Japan and Italy, also felt slighted. They felt that the United States, Great Britain and France treated themselves to the lion's share of the territorial spoils and power, leaving the others little to pay for their war efforts.

What was Hitler's plan for the children of Germany?

Hitler felt children are very important.He used to encourage the desiarable aryan children to get multiplied so that members of the superior aryan race increase.he spread the saying "support the Hitler youth" .He drafted 12-16 year old as moralle bands or child soldiers.

How close was Hitler to having a pure Aryan race?

Not to close. There is no such thing. Hitler was a deluded psychopath who felt that he had the right to kill people in the name of an impossible dream.

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Did Hitler always want to be the leader of Germany?

Hitler only came to power or even wanted to when Germany was disgracefully defeated in WWI. He felt he needed to redeem Germany and make it a world power again and the best country on Earth. This promise of a new glorification, in which he did bring, was one of the main reasons he was elected into power. People believed he could revive Germany.

Why wouldn't Hitler capture Great Britain?

he felt like it

What influence did Hitler have?

Hitler's influence was... well how he really rose to power... despite the rejections he received in his life... And making Germans believe that they were the pure race of Germany or something of the sort...

Why did Benito Mussolini sign the Munich pact?

Mussolini wanted power. He felt he could gain more power by being an ally of Hitler's Germany. So helped the United Kingdom and France think that Hitler's takeover of Austria was nothing and that Europe would be able to avoid war.

What is lebensraum as related to World War 2?

"Living space" Hitler felt Germany need to grow

How did Hitler feel leading another country?

Hitler felt powerful of being in control of the Jews. He was also pleased that he had so many followers. Adolf Hitler believed in fascism, and controlled Germany.

What could be done to stop such war like world war 2?

World War 2 could have been completely preventable if Hitler was not given so much free power to do what he felt was necessary for Germany.

Why did Hitler become leader of Germany?

Germans felt anger over the the Versailles Treaty and Hitler gave them a strong sense of nationalism. He promised jobs and food, which appealed to many because Germany was going through an economic depression as where many countries in Europe during the 1930's. Antisemitism was also present in Germany which Hitler used to his advantage to make non Jewish German citizens blame the Jews for the problems of Germany. After the Nazi Party won the election, Hitler was chosen to be the Chancellor and then with the Enabling Act, he had all the power (legislative and executive).

Why did Germany attack Russia instead of England?

Germany was already at war with England. But the reason is, Because Hitler couldn't secure Air Power over the UK so he held off. Also he felt the Communist threat was going to invade Germany, which is could have do to their large number of Military personal on the border.

Why did Hitler have spies?

Because he constantly felt threatened by people

How did Germany look at Pearl Harbor?

Adolf Hitler was very happy that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor (and other places) that brought Japan into war with the British, Dutch & Americans. He had encouraged this action for about a year. Hitler thought it would take pressure off Germany. The reality was that it doomed Hitler, Mussolini & Japan. The military & economic power of the United States was building and by late 1943 was being felt in Europe & Asia.

Who were Hitler's most devoted followers?

The German's who felt there life was recovering... So almost all of Germany. The German's who felt there life was recovering... So almost all of Germany.German Nazis