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His real name was Bobby Bedtime.

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Q: What did Isaac Newton name the period between 1666 and 1667 as?
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Where did Isaac Newton live in 1666?

He invented the reflecting telescope.

What important events happened in Europe in 1666?

Isaac Newton established the laws of gravityand invented the calculus; Louis XIV (France) founded the Frech Academy; France and Netherlands declare war on Britain; the Great Fire of London.

Sir Isaac Newton calculus?

Isaac Newton's calculas, created in 1666, is a complicated math problem, or formula. There was a controversy over Newton's calculus when, in 1684, a German scientist maned Gottfried Leibniz published a formula of calculus. Newton raged, and claimed that he had originaly discovered calculus, which he had, and responded by publishing a partial calculus formula in 1693 and a full formula in 1704. Newton still claimed to have invented calculus, but Leibniz would not give up. Finally, Leibniz declared that he had still created calculus, and that his country's scientists would break ties with England's scientists, and eventually get revenge upon England and its scientists for not believing calculus's "rightful" creator. England eventually did get Leibniz'z declared "revenge" in World War 1 & World War 2, though not because Leibniz declared it, and certainly not for the same reasons. The conflict still raged between Newton and Leibniz, but the countries were no longer involved. Newton believed he would win the argument until the day he died.

How long did the plague go on for?

It might had been going on for at least 30 years.

Who was the king in 1666?

king Charles II (2nd)was king in 1666