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Great Society created a wide range of social programs that are a part of today's accepted norms like Medicare, Mecicaid and Food Stamps.

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Q: What did Lyndon B. Johnson call his reform program and what was its impact?
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The reform program of Lyndon Johnson became known as the?

"The War on Poverty"

Lyndon B. Johnson's broad program of welfare legislation and social reform that swept through congress?

Great Society

Lyndon B. Johnson's broad program of welfare legislation and social reform that swept through congress in 1965?

Great Society

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civil rights reform

Was John F. Kennedy associated with the great society?

John F. Kennedy's model for social reform was called The New Frontier - unfortunately he was killed before any major legislation got approved through Congress. When Lyndon Johnson inherited the Presidency, he sought to continue the ideal President Kennedy wanted to achieve as influenced by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Lyndon Johnson called his program The Great Society.

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The National Recovery Administration was the name of President Roosevelt's reform program.

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What lands are covered and not covered under the land reform program?

Private land that were legally acquired were not covered under the land reform program.

President Theodore Roosevelt's square deal and president Lyndon Johnson's great society were similar in that both?

they both increased the role of the Federal Government in dealing with social and economic problems