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A donkey & beans

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Q: What did Mexicans pack when they were migrating to the US?
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How moose migrate?

they migrate by migrating with a pack

Why are many Mexicans moving ot the cities or the US?

Mexicans are a big minority group living in the U.SThere are also many people from many countries migrating to cities in the U.SThe reasons motivating migration are many, but mostly is the ideal of obtaining the american dream

When Mexicans immigrated to the US did most of them move to California?

Of the many Mexicans that migrate to the US, most settle in California. This is because the reason why most of these immigrates are migrating is for a better life, and California has a very high standard of living and average income, which is ideal for immigrants.

How do moose migrate?

When it wants food oris getting hunted

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Why did the Mexicans immigrate to the us in the 1930's?

a "better life" MEXICANS (:

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Because the Mexicans are faking to be nice so the US thinks they are friends.

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Is the largest immigrant group in the US?

The largest immigrant group in the US are Mexicans, of which about 800,000 Mexicans migrate to the US every year.

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How many Mexican immigrants are in the US?

Over 30 percent of the us are Mexicans

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