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What did they eat in Concentration CampsWhile in Concentration Camps, good food was very hard to get. During breakfast they were given 10 ounces of stale bread with a small piece of Salami. Or 1 ounce of Margarine and brown tasteless coffee with NO sugar. At noon soup was given with old Carrots and Rutabagas. Dinner was Stale bread with Margarine and Jam. Sometime they would NOT get Food.... If They even got any they got a little. which this is a little.

Varied from concentration camp to concentration camp, but they were not feed much, some not at all. Not much to survive, obviously, as they were basically made to work themselves to death. I have also read, from where I cannot remember, that their food was often contaminated (purposely) with a substance that would make them sick and give them diarrhea (which would flush everything out of their bodies, dehydrate them, and causing malnutrition, and eventually death). Not to mention the poor sanitary conditions spelled disease. It's very hard to read these types of things, but it is part of history. People can be very cruel.I read that they have to save their food until the next day.

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10y ago
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15y ago

The Jews were mostly fed small portions of Soup broth on bread. This enabled the Nazi's to keep the Jews alive, but this caused them to slowly waste away until they were to weak to even stay alive, if disease and poor hygiene had killed them already. This was truly the greatest crime against humanity.

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12y ago

the Jews were fed bread and watery soup they were very skinney because there portions and diet and they were so skinny that you could see every bone in their bodies and hitlers troups disposed of these dead gassed or not gassed starvation ectr by burning them also manny Jews died on the way to their camps and also many that did servie were escorted into the main shelter were the were split into two groups the ones thatcould work were gaven a pair of striped pjs and a cap and their hair was shaved off the others that couldn't work were esscorted to the gas chamber at first they thought that it was just a shower to calm their nervs but when the door was shut and locked and the lights when out they new very well what was happaning exceped they didnot know until the gas seeaped in threw the holes and in from the celing one minute you would her aloud racket then they were quetas a mouse the bodies were dragged into a pit and petrol poored over them and then light on fire auchfits was the biggist concontration camp ever and over 6000,300 bodies were killed and most of their remains were found at the end of the war this gave the british enough edivance to let the Germans be exacuted

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11y ago

Heh. You know, I'm confused about why they did that too if they wanted to kill them off. Though they did kill them off rapidly, they wanted to keep them alive for at least a little while so that they could work and clean in the camp. Though, the amount they were fed by depended on how fit they were in the beginning and how well they behaved.

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14y ago

The Nazis only gave the Jews a piece of bread and a glass of water.

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10y ago

black bread, potato soup and water

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