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Venus told Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with the most despicable and vile creature in the world.

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Q: What did Venus tell her son Cupid to do to Psyche?
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What goddess of love is cupids son?

The son of Venus is Cupid, Cupid's daughter with Psyche is Voluptas or Volupta.

What gender was Cupid?

Cupid was male. He was the son of Venus in mythology. Cupid was married to Psyche.

Why does Venus finally accept Psyche?

Psyche loves Cupid. Psyche is a human. Cupid is Venus's son. Venus sends Psyche on a mission to deliver a precious box to Hades. Psyche curiosity made her open the box and it put her in an internal sleep. Cupid sees this and rescues her and put the sleep back in the box. Psyche completes the mission and Venus finally accepts her. Jupiter also sees Psyche and he makes her immortal. So then Cupid and Psyche could be together.

Who is cupid related too in roman?

In Roman mythology Cupid is the son of Venus and Mars. The wife of Cupid is said to be Psyche and their daughter is Voluptas.

Who does Psyche marry?

Cupid. After a long, and arduous path, Cupid and Psyche are eventually united. Jupiter pleaded the cause of the lovers so well with Venus (Cupid's mother) that she consented (she had been opposed to Psyche). At this, Mercury brought Psyche up to the heavenly assembly where she was married to Cupid.

Who were the fathers of Cupid and Psyche?

Cupid was the son of Venus, a father never mentioned. (Greek Eros usually seen as the son of Ares). In the novel by Apuleius, 'The Golden Ass' where the tale of Cupid and Psyche is told, Psyche is the most beautiful on earth. Her parents have no place in that story. In retelling the tale one has often made her the daughter of a king, no name.

What role did Cupid played in mythology?

In Roman mythology, Cupid was the son of Venus (the goddess of love) and Mars (god of war). Venus was jealous of the princess Psyche, who was so loved by her subjects that they forgot to worship Venus. Venus ordered him to make Psyche fall in love with the poorest and ugliest man in the world, but Cupid ended up falling in love with her.

Why Venus was angry of psyche?

Venus hated Psyche passionately because of her great beauty. People were beginning to ignore Venus's altars and they instead sacrificed to Psyche, calling her the new goddess of beauty. Furious at this mere mortal girl who was stealing the homage that Venus thought rightfully belonged to her, she attempted to have her son Cupid make Psyche fall in love with a horrible monster. When Cupid ended up falling in love with Psyche himself, this only served to make Venus even more furious; that her own son would adore her worst enemy.

Whose son is Cupid?

He is the son of Aphrodite (Venus).

Cupid is the son of what roman goddness of love?

Cupid is the son of Venus, in Rome.

Why was Venus jealous of Psyche and how did she show it?

Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, was jealous of Psyche because the girl was so beautiful. People even started worshipping her as the goddess of love and beauty in place of the real goddess. So Venus sent her son Cupid to shoot Psyche with one of his arrows and make her fall in love with a monster. But Cupid ended up falling in love with her himself.

Who are Cupid and Psyche?

When Psyche looks at Cupid when he's sleeping.