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Guns, Bowie knives, and True Grit.

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Q: What did cowboys use to protect themselves?
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they use their sting tail to protect themselves

Why cowboys use gun?

they used it as a weapon to protect them selves there enimies

Why did cowboys use guns?

they used it as a weapon to protect them selves there enimies

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Ravens protect themselves by flying away from their enemies. Ravens also use their beak to protect themselves when they need to.

Do squid use there ink to protect themselves?

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They use their exoskeleton.

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Asian elephants use their size to their advantage to protect themselves. They stomp, use their tusks and stay in groups to defend themselves.

How does elephant protect itself?

Well, Elephants have a tough skin to protect themselves from insect bites, they use their trunks to hit their enemies. Elephants even use mud to protect themselves from a sun burn.

How does the stingray use coloration to protect themselves?

Stingray use coloration to pratect themselves by blending into whatever is their background