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Of ther perple, fer ther perple. one a invisvle.

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Q: What did george washington do to took the soilders to vicorty?
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What happened to George Washington in 1783?

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What president was chosen when the bill of rights took effect?

George Washington.

Did George Washington like the COnstitution?

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When George Washington took control of the continental army he found that the army personnel were under-supplied and not well-trained. He also realized that they were demotivated.

How did George Washington take a IQ test?

They did not have IQ tests when Washington was alive. He never took one.

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At the Constitutional Convention, George Washington was elected president. The convention took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from May 25 to September 17, 1787.

When George Washington took command of the Continental Army?

December 21, 2012