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noodle doggy

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Q: What did one noodle say to the other one?
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noodle in Spanish = Fideos

Is a lbow noodle a noodle?

an elbow noodle is just like any other noodle. the macaroni is elbow noodles. its just hollow and bent to a curve

How do you say in the pool in portuguese?

stroodle my noodle

What is a Japanese noodle?

i would say it would be lomain

Who many minutes does it take to make noodle in the mircowave?

If it is noodle in a cup ,then about one minute.

Where is a noodle?

The noodle is in my belly. The noodle WAS in the soup. Use your noodle. Noodle, don't noodle, it's all the same...

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1) chicken noodle 2)chicken noodle 3)chicken noodle 4)chicken noodle 5)chicken noodle 6)chicken noodle 7)chicken noodle 8)chicken noodle 9)chicken noodle 10)mushroom

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