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Walking, Bikes, and Horse Carriages.

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Q: What did people use for transportation before the automobile was invented?
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What did people used for transportation before transportation Was invented?

People used their feet to get around.

What transportation did people use before cars were invented?


What did people use for transportation before use cars was invented?


What did people use for transportation just before airplanes was invented?

Ships and trains.

What did people used for transportation before aeroplane invented?

Cars, trucks, ships, dirigibles, animals, walking.

Why was the first automobile invented?

It was invented to help people get from place to place faster.

Who invented the transportation?

Nobody invented the general idea of transportation. People have been walking since the beginning of time as a form of transportation.

Why is the automobile important?

Mobile transportation. The movement of people and goods from one place to another.

What is the fastest way of transportation before the train was invented?

Before trains were invented horse drawn wagons carried freight, people either walked, rode horseback or rode in stage coaches.

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What was used as the main mode of transportation before the steam engine?

Before the steam engine was widely used, land transportation mainly used animal power. People rode on horseback or in horse-drawn vehicles. For sea transportation, people relied on wind power to move sailing ships. The steam engine was invented many centuries before anyone figured out how to use it.

Why were automobiles invented?

So people can have a fast an easy way to get to and from places better now that automobile's have been invented people can get around with out a problem.