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Prince Albert died of Typhoid Fever.

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Q: What did queen Vitoria's husband king albert die of?
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Who was the king of Great Britain and Ireland in 1840s?

there was no King - the monarch was Queen Victoria, and her husband was Prince Albert

Why wasn't Prince Albert a king?

Victoria was Queen of England, Albert was her husband, not the heir to the British Throne. He was considered her consort rather than King.

Who was the King or Queen of England in 1864?

England hasn't had its own King or Queen for over 300 years. Queen Victoria was Queen of the British Empire (which included England) from 1837 until she died in 1901. Her husband Prince Albert was her Consort but not King.

Who was the father of Britain's King Edward VII?

Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg Gotha [ Husband lf Queen Victoria]

Who is the current king of belgium?

King Albert 2 and Queen Fabiola

What is the husband of a queen called?

The husband of a queen is known as the king only if he is the rightful heir to the throne. If the queen is the heir, then the husband is known as the king consort.Ordinarily the husband of Queen who succeeded their elder to the throne are called Prince or Prince Consort. But, the husband of a Queen who married a sitting King is called King.

Who are King and queen of Belgium?

King Albert II (the second) and Queen Paola

Who was the queen and king in the Victorian era?

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were king and queen in the Victorian era Prince Albert was not a king, there was no king at that time. Victoria was the heir to the throne and ruling Queen. Because of the rules of nobility a king outranks a queen, so Albert was officially declared to be the Prince Consort, a title with no real duties or privileges. Albert (Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel) was nobility, 2nd son of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, a German Duchy.

If king and queen have only girls and one takes the thrown and she gets married what is he called?

a king. Depending on the country different titles exist. In reguards to the UK the husband to the queen is known as a prince consort, generally speaking, this is a common term for the husband of a queen, unless he himself also is a king in his own right. Current examples include Prince Philip, Husband of Queen Elizabeth 2 and Past examples include Prince Albert, Prince Consort and Husband to Queen Victoria.

Who was Queen Victoria's husband?

Queen Victoria's husband was her first cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Victoria's mother and Albert's father were brother and sister. Albert and Victoria's common uncle Leopold (who was King of Belgium) thought that they would make a good pair. Because Leopold was like a father to Victoria she agreed to meet with Albert and his elder brother Ernest when they were all teenagers. Several years later Leopold wanted Albert to visit England again, and Victoria gave in. During this trip Victoria fell in love with Albert and proposed to Albert.

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King Akhenaten was Queen Nefertiti husband

What was king albert to queen elizabeth11?

If You mean Prince Albert, Prince Albert was Queen Elizabeth II's Great-Great-Grandfather.