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Slave owners won

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Slave owners implemented various measures to prevent slave rebellions like that of Nat Turner. Some of these measures included strict surveillance and control on slaves, limited movement and access to firearms, physical punishment and intimidation, and the dissemination of pro-slavery Propaganda to justify the institution. Additionally, slave owners often separated potential instigators or troublesome slaves in different locations to weaken their ability to coordinate and plan rebellions.

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Q: What did slave owners do to prevent rebellion such as that of Nat Turner and his followers?
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What was Nate turner' s greatest achievement?

Nat Turner's greatest achievement was leading a rebellion of enslaved African Americans in Virginia in 1831. Turner and his followers rebelled against slave owners, resulting in the deaths of around 55-65 white individuals. While the rebellion was ultimately suppressed, it had a significant impact on the conversation surrounding slavery in the United States.

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Because he wanted blacks to be able to stand up to white slave owners.

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Nat Turner led a slave rebellion against southern plantation owners, killing the plantation owner's family, and setting other slaves free.

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the reasone why he decided to led the rebillion that day was because most slave owners were at church

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It was Nathaniel "Nat" Turner (1800-1831) who led a rebellion in Virginia against white slave owners on August 21, 1831; the rebellion failed and as a result, more than 100 slaves and 60 whites were killed - Turner was captured and hanged November 11, 1831 - William Styron's 1967 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Confessions of Nat Turner is an historical novel (with Turner speaking in first person) based upon The Confessions of Nat Turner: The Leader of the Late Insurrection in Southampton, Virginia, of which the latter is an authentic account of the rebellion in Nat Turner's own words as told to Thomas Ruffin Gray, a local area attorney in 1831.

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Who taught Nat Turner how to read?

his owners son

Why did the blacks warn their slave owners of turners rebellion?

Because they wanted to scare their owners

Who led rebellions against slave owners?

Nat Turner

What did Nat Turner do?

he shot more than 50 men so he could escape slavery and stand up for everyone

What impact did nat turner have on the anti slavery?

Nat Turner organized and let the bloodiest slave rebellion in American History on August 22 1831 in Southampton County, VA. Turner and a group of slaves killed over fifty whites over two days. This revolt panicked slave owners and enhanced the tensions between pro-slavery ideas and abolitionists.

What wa the outcome of Bacon's rebellion?

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