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james browan

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Q: What did the 13 colonies come together and created what and named it the united states?
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Related questions

How did the original thirteen states join the United States?

The original 13 colonies were the united states at one time, they loosely joined together under the Articles of Confederation.

Where did England explored and settle?

The entire East coast of the United States and created the 13 colonies.

What was the Continental Congress and what did they decide to do?

The legislature of the 13 colonies, and later the United States, from 1774 to 1789, which created the constitution among other things

Why do you that the colonies united together together under the Albany plan?

to strengthen the colonies against the French

How did the Amana colonies originate?

German Pietists created the Amana colonies. They settled in these colonies in the state of Iwoa, located in the United States of America and their area comprised of seven different villages.

How did the us get the 13 colonies?

The original Thirteen colonies were made up of land given to colonists by Britain. Britain wanted to send people over to the colonies for there resources, eventually the colonies wanted to become independent. This led to the revolutionary war and so on.

How many colonies does the United states have?


What are the united colonies today?

the 51 states

The 13th colonies?

What did the people in the thirteen colonies eat

How many states were original in the United States?

There were the original British Colonies.

What were the colonies that took over the 13 original colonies?

The thirteen original colonies became the first thirteen states in The United States of America.

When did the colonies became the US?

The way the thirteen colonies became the United States is by Britain and the original 13 colonies having a war. The thirteen colonies over threw Britain, and became free from there rule. the colonies then became the United States of America.