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gas vans,

they were the main gas extermination method until the spring of 1943, which was when the large gas chambers started


In the early stages of the Holocaust (1941-42) the Nazis relied mainly on mass open air shootings.

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Q: What did the Nazis use before gas chambers?
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Are gas chambers still used today?

There are three states that still use the gas chamber as their method of execution. They are Arizona, Missouri and Wyoming. In Arizona a person sentenced to death after November 15, 1992 can elect gas over injection. In Missouri gas or injection may be used. In Wyoming gas is used if injection is deemed unconstitutional. The last time gas was used was in 2010 during the execution of Walter LaGrand in Arizona.

Did Nazis use civilian or prisoner human shields in occupied countries?

Nazis would probly use whats more convenient to them

When had poison gas been used before?

In World War 1, we begin to see the first use of poision gas use. The Germans used chlorine and mustard gas to clear trenches of the Allied forces.

Where were the oven in the Holocaust?

Hitler didnt use an oven to kill people. Hitler used Zyklon B, a poisonous gas, to mass-kill everyone, the pyscho. Victims were usually first killed with poison gas in gas-chambers and the corpses were then cremated (burnt) in crematoria (ovens).

What type of gas did the Nazis use in the gas chambers?

At Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor and Treblinka - carbon monoxide. Hydrocyanic acid in a Zyklon B base - Auschwitz and Majdanek. All other camps used carbon monoxide. Zyklon-B, a cyanide compound developed for the purpose of inexpensively delousing clothes. It came in cans in the form of pellets. When the pellets came into contact with air, heat and water they gave off hydrogen cyanide gas. The designers of Zyklon-B had never anticipated its use on people.

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Did Nazis use hot water to kill Jews?

it wasnt really a shower, they were actually gas chambers but tricked the jews in thinking they were showers.

Did Stalin use gas chambers before Nazi Germany?

Germany was using gas chambers during world war 1 and so were the soviets almost everyone used gas chambers for their enemies even though they never told anyone about it ____ It looks as if someone is confusing poison gas on the battlefield with gas chambers.

What methods did the Nazis use to kill occupants of their concentration camps?

Lots, from gas chambers to just straight up lining them up, and shooting them into a ditch. They would separate women from their children and break families apart.

During the Holocaust did the Nazis use bromine in the gas chambers?

This is the first time I've heard anyone suggest this. If you mean: did they sedate the victims before gassing them, the answer is no. According too witnesses that survived the Holocaust, they have used bromine too sedate the victims, in order too make them more cooperative.

Why did Hitler never use gas in battle?

The Gases used in the camps were used in Gas Chambers, an enclosed area only where people who were going to be killed were in. The problem the Nazis and Hitler knew that gas expands and goes in all directions, despite if they tried forcing it in an direction, it will still expand everywhere. This would result that Germany would of lost some of their soldiers due to dying from inhaling what ever gas was used in the chambers.

What is genocide and how did the Nazis use it against the Jews?

A Genocide is the systematic killing of an entire people. The Nazi's used it against the Jews in concentration camps; they killed the entire race of Jews almost, using gas chambers, etc.

Is there documentation that supports the use of gas chambers during the holocaust?


Are there documents supporting the use of gas chambers during the holocaust?


What kind of gas did Auschwitz use?

Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland used Zyklon B gas in their gas chambers afterwards creamated the bodies.

What happened at the First experimental use of gas chambers at Auschwitz?

Sane as after the experiments, they all died

How many Jewish children escaped from the concentration camps in the Holocaust?

There isn't an exact number for Jewish children escaping the concentration camps. Children, the sick, and the elderly were the first to be sent into the gas chambers (killed) because they were of no use to the Nazis; they weren't capable of doing heavy work.

What killing device killed the most people in the holocaust?

Holocaust was a genocide of approximately 11 million people including six million Jews by the German Military. The most common method used for exterminating these people was the use of Gas Chambers. Several million people were killed by the use of Gas Chambers between 1941-45.