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According to Christian sources, Jews were thenceforth forbidden to enter Jerusalem.

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Q: What did the Romans forbid the Jews to do after the revolution of A.D. 132?
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What did the Romans forbid the Jews to do after the revolt of 132 CE?

The Romans forbid Jews to live in or even visit Jerusalem.

What did the Romans do after the revolt of AD 132?

After the rebellion, the Romans banned all Jews from returning to Jerusalem.

What happened after the Jews rebelled the Romans in AD 132?

The Romans 'banished' them, and banned them from returning ever again...

Are there any Roman records of the sale of Jews as slaves?

After the Romans sacked Jerusalem in 70 CE. they are reported to have sold many women and children into slavery. Again, after the Jewish revolt of 132-135, the Romans sold many defeated Jews as slaves.

When did the Jewish revolt fails and the Romans forbid Jews to live in Jerusalem?

That was the Bar Kokhba revolt (132-136). The Jews revolted against the emperor Hadrian renaming Jerusalem with the Roman name of Aelia Capitolina rebuilding Jerusalem as a Roman town, building a Roman temple in the place of the destroyed Second Temple and forbidding circumcision. When they were defeated Hadrian persecuted Judaism and renamed Judea Syria Palaestina (after the Philistines) to erase the memory of Judea, as well forbidding the Jews from entering Jerusalem.

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What did the Romans forbid the Jews to do after the revolt in 70 C.E.?

In 70 CE the Great Revolt was still under way. It lasted form 66 CE to 73 CE. No prohibitions were imposed on the Jews by the Romans. This happened after the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132-35. The Jews were barred from Jerusalem except for Tisha B'Av. Jerusalem was rebuilt as a Roman town and was renamed Aelia Capitolina, after the family name of the emperor Hadrian and Jupiter Capitolinus, the chief Roman deity. Judea was renamed Syria Paleastina

Why did the Romans persecute the Jews more the Christians?

It is not clear that the Romans persecuted Jews more than Christians. Under some emperors, Christians were heavily persecuted, under others, Jews. During the great Jewish revolts that started in the years 68 and 132, Roman persecution of the Jews was intense. The emperor Hadrian, who put down the second revolt, probably killed half a million Jews in the process. Nero, on the other hand, seems to have really disliked Christians.

What happened after the Jews rebelled against the Romans in 132 C.E.?

After the Bar Kokhba revolt, Hadrian persecuted the Jews of Judea viciously, outlawed the practicing or teaching of Torah, and also killed a number of the greatest Torah-sages. Nonetheless, the Jews remained a majority of Judea's (Palestine's) population, well into the 4th century.

Where did the jews go after the Romans sent them out of Judea?

The Romans did not formally send them out. But hundreds of thousands were forced to leave due to the harsh conditions and persecution (while many Jews remained nonetheless). Those who left went to Persia, Babylonia, southern Europe, North Africa and elsewhere.

When did the Jewish diaspora end?

The first Jewish Diaspora was the forcible exile to Babylon in 586 BCE. However, the famous second Jewish Diaspora happened under the Romans from 70 CE to 132 CE. Jewish Zealots had fought the Romans on these two occasions and the Romans had enough of it. The Romans realized that the Jews had a fundamental connection to the land, so separating them from it and from each other would make them more docile. As a result, the Romans evicted the majority of Jews from the province of Syria-Palaestina.

Why did the Romans disperse Jews?

The Jews revolted against Rome in the year 68. Rome destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem while suppressing this revolt. The Jews revolted again in the year 132. Rome destroyed Jerusalem, killed at least half a million Jews, enslaved many, drove the remainder out of Judea, and renamed Judea Palestine.