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Absolutely nothing. That's why it was such an incredible surprise.Michael Montagne

AnswerBreak down of peace talks between the US and Japan.

The USA created ECONOMIC SANCTIONS over Japan as it increase its aggressive forgien policy.

Also, the USA was not in WW2 however it was supporting the allied side. It attacked German submarines to defend its shipping lanes and support Britain in anyway possible, e.g. the Lend Lease Schemes. As Japan was in alliance with Italy and Germany, the USA then became an 'informal' enemy of the Empire Of Japan.


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12y ago
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12y ago

Fought back and prepared to counter attack. They created the "Manhattan Project". This was the creation of the Atomic Bombs. They dropped these bombs on top of Hiroshima, Japan and Nagasaki, Japan.

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13y ago

The most important was to embargo the sale of oil and scrap iron to Japan, after Japan invaded and took over French Indochina (Vietnam and Laos) in the summer of 1941. Japan has no source of oil, and had only an eighteen month supply on hand. Japan would have to come up with another source of oil, or knuckle under to US pressure to quit conquering all their neighbors. There was plenty of oil in the Dutch East Indies (Malaysia today), and the Japanese decided to grab it. They believed the US would go to war over this with them, so they decided to cripple the US Fleet first thing, and thus the attack on Pearl Harbor, simultaneous with the move into the Dutch East Indies.

The Japanese had still been a medieval nation in 1863, with knights and swords and no firearms. But forty years later, they had leaped into the modern age, with an all steel navy and rapid firing cannon. The Japanese resented European and American colonialism in Asia, which the Japanese regarded as their very own natural sphere of influence. They had arrived late at the game of grabbing colonies, and were bitter because all the good stuff was already taken.

The Japanese had been at war, on and off, with China since 1931, on one pretext or another. And the entire time they had to listen to the US nag them to knock it off. They were not about to knock it off, no matter what anybody said.

US Immigration laws - which were actually enforced back in that unenlightened time - set quotas for the number of immigrants allowed into the US every year from each country. The number allowed from Asian countries was very low, in comparison to the number allowed from Europe. The US revamped its immigration laws in 1924, further lowering this quota, and the Japanese felt insulted over this.

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17y ago

As soon as was possible they began to plan a raid led by Colonel James Doolittle. The plan.. and the act.. was to train to take their planes by aircraft carrier, take off from the middle of the ocean, drop bombs on strategically planned factories and land in China. The mission was successful with the exception that Col. Doolittle was disappointed that their planes were unrecoverable and had to be abandoned. The nuclear bombing did occur but it took another 3 years before that measure was taken. the us became very mad and decide to declar war with them witch led the the droping of the nuclear bomb's!!

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15y ago

They declared war on japan and ended it by delivering 2 atomic bombs to the cities of nagasaki and Hiroshima

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13y ago

Tried to get away. The bombing started early in the morning when the US navy was still sleeping. They were not ready for the attack and had no weapons that were ready to attack them with.

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10y ago

The US bombed them back. They dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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