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Nothing because he published it in the same year that he died.

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Q: What did the catholic church do to Nicholas Copernicus after he published his theories?
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Why did the Catholic Church condemn the theories of Copernicus?

Because the church at the time believed in holy things. The thought Nicolaus was a heretic. (He was spreading false rumors according to them)Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church never condemned the theories of Copernicus. As a matter of fact, the Church supported him and urged him to publish his theories, which he did with a dedication to the current Pope. Sixty-three years after his death, the protestants objected to his theories, and subsequently, when Galileo published similar theories, Copernicus (and Galileo's work was edited to say that it was only a theory, as neither man had actually proved their theories, and there were problems with some influential Churchman at the time who thought that the theories contradicted Sacred Scripture.

Which Renaissance scholar had most of his theories published posthumously out of fear of the Inquisition?

Nicolaus Copernicus

Which Renaissance scholar had the most of his theories published posthumously out of fear of the Inquisition?

Nicolaus Copernicus

Why was Copernicus convicted of heresy?

He wasn't. Galileo was. Copernicus published the theory that the earth revolves around the sun shortly before he died in 1543, and caused no great reaction from the church at the time. It was some 70 years later that Galileo got in trouble for advocating the theory in the 1600s.

Who was forced to admit publicly that earth stood motionless at the center of the universe?

Galileo, who struggled against the Catholic Church to have the theories of Copernicus accepted.

Who was forced to admit publicly that the earth stood motionless at the center of the university?

Galileo, who struggled against the Catholic Church to have the theories of Copernicus accepted.

Who was forced to admit publicly that the earth stood motionless at the center of the universe.?

Galileo, who struggled against the Catholic Church to have the theories of Copernicus accepted.

Who was forced to admit publicly that the earth stood motionless at the center of the universe?

Galileo, who struggled against the Catholic Church to have the theories of Copernicus accepted.

He proved the theories of Copernicus?

Johannes Kepler

Why didn't Copernicus get in trouble with Catholic Church?

The Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) could be said to have had a good sense of self-preservation, because he did not publish his theories about the place of the earth in the solar system, contained in the book On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres, during his own lifetime for fear of being persecuted by the Catholic Church. He knew that his life depended on not doing so.When it was published, after his death, the book was in Latin, so the general public was not able to read it. Academics could, but few learned people were willing to face the Church and risk death. Seventy three years after it was published, in 1616, the Church considered the book important enough to place on its Index of Prohibited Books. This was one of many instances in which the truth came second to the interests of the Church.

What caused Copernicus to challenge aristotles theories of planetary motion?

Copernicus believed the planetary motions were due to:

What year was Galileo proves the theories of Copernicus?

in the late 1700s