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The children decided to visit the White Witch's castle first in Narnia.

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The house where Mr. Tumnus lived.

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Q: What did the children decide to visit first in Narnia?
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At what age can a child decide to visit a parent in Texas?

I think that children of 12 years and more may decide to visit parents in Texas

What has happened to mrtumnus?

It never really says what happened to him exactly, but the time difference in Narnia between the children's first visit and the second in about 1000 years. So presumable he died somewhere in between.

What did susan enter through to visit Narnia?

In the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, The first person to enter Narnia is Lucy. She enters through a wardrobe in a spare room. In the book The Magician's Nephew, the first human entrance to Narnia is made by, Digory Kirke, Polly Plummer, and a cab driver. The cab driver and his wife (his wife is called there by Aslan later on,) are the first king and queen of Narnia.

What did the queen of Narnia promise to do for the other children?

She promised Edmund she would make them a Duke and Duchesses to help rule the country under his authority. She thought this would persuade him to bring them to visit her. She did not understand that Edmund was so angry with his siblings that he did not want her to do anything for them and he was not motivated to bring them.

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Is there any acting jobs for Narnia?

if there was acting jobs for Narnia it would be in newspapers and on the television. im not quite sure if there are or not. i will see if anybody who likes Narnia that i know heard about acting jobs. and don't forget to visit the link randomxxx. by the way randomxxx is the name of the link

Which is better amrita of sastra?

NO DOUBT ITS AMRITA some goose will blabber something about it without enterring there first visit that college then decide

Who is first to address Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia the lion the witch and the wardrobe?

The first humans to visit Narnia were Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer, in The Magician's Nephew. The second group was Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie who first visited in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and became the Kings and Queens for many years until they accidently stumbled upon England again. A year later they re-entered Narnia in the book Prince Caspian, to save the land from the Telmarines. Edmund and Lucy came a third time with their cousin Eustace Scrubb in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Eustace and his friend Jill Pole came back in The Silver Chair. In The Last Battle all but Susan (who'd stopped believing) returned to a glorious new Narnia, and lived in peace forever and ever.

Who is church do the children visit while atticus is away?

The children visit the First Purchase African M.E. Church while Atticus is away. This is where Calpurnia, their African American housekeeper, takes them to attend Sunday service.

At what age can minor children refuse to visit non custodial parent in TN?

Minors are not responsible for those decisions. The custodial parent is responsible and is the one who will be held accountable by the court. The children don't get to decide that they can disobey a custody agreement at any age.

Can your 17 year old girl friend visit you without parents consent if she tells them first in the state of Alabama?

No. It's the parents who decide who their minor can see.

What age a child can decide who they want to visit in NY?

See Link Below'Child Refusing To Visit Other Parent?'