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tobbaco corn wheat

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Q: What did the farmers grow in the New England Colonies?
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What did the colonies grow?

Farmers in the middle colonies grew wheat, barley, oats, rye, and corn. Farmers in the southern colonies grew tobacco, indigo, peaches, and rice. Farmers in the New England colonies had a rough time growing food due to the climate, but they often had plenty of food and fish.

What were some jobs the New England colonies had?

They were farmers,hunters,and they guarded the town

What was the geography of the southern middle and new England colonies?

because the middle colonies rich soil,farmers were able to raise cattle and grow crops also sold pork,beef,wheat,& barley.

What obstacles did the New England colonies face?

While the farmers in the New England colonies faced many obstacles, what was one advantage they had?

What were the New England colonies labor systems?

they were farmers,traders and they were religious and they really cared for mney

Did the new England colonies have plantations and mansions?

No, they did not. Colonies so much to the north could hardly grow any crops at all. They only hunted, they did not grow. It was very rare for a farm to be in a New England colony so the thought of a plantation was unheard of in those northern colonies.ANSWERNo, the New England colonies did not have plantations.

Why was in hard to grow crops in colonies?

In some colonies it was hard to grow crops because the soil wasn't fertile enough or the climate temperatures were too harsh.

How were farms in the middle colonies diffrent from those in new England?

The middle colonies were able to produce and sell more while new England had a harsher climate and bad soil making them subsistence farmers

What disadvantages did New England have?

The climate was also a negative factor for the colonists in the New England Colonies because the severe winters killed many people. The geography of New England was mostly hills, rocky soil, and a short growing season which made it difficult for the farmers to grow crops so instead they had to get their food from the Ocean.

What kind of crops did the New England colonies grow?

grains, and vegetables like corn

How did the crops grown by farmers in the middle colonies differ from those grown in the New England?

the soil in the middle colonies was better for farming than the soil in New England. also the climate was milder,and the growing season was longer

How did crops grown by farmers in the middle colonies differ from those grown in new England?

the soil in the middle colonies was better for farming than the soil in New England. also the climate was milder,and the growing season was longer