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The first five points were general principles for a peace settlement with Germany.

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Q: What did the first five points of the fourteen points to congress deal with?
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What is the definition of the fourteen points between the world wars?

It was the source document for the programs of the New Deal.

Which issue did the first congress not deal with?

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How did Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points compare with the eventual outcome of the Paris Peace Conference?

It approved his plan to form a global organization to prevent war.

What group elected their democratic member of congress under the new deal coalition?

African Americans

How did congress deal with the fourteen points peace treaty?

They didn't need to. They dealt with the Treaty of <i>Versailles</i>, if that's what you mean. About the Versailles Treaty (1919), they rejected it because of Article 10 which stated that they needed to join the League of Nations and that when the League went to war, all of the members had to go to war and Congress thought that was against the US constitution, "Only Congress can declare war." Hope that helped. Oh, and Congress just kind of hated Wilson. WWI was really unpopular, no one really knew why we (the United States) were fighting it and Congress was republican and Wilson was a democrat so they didn't get along too well.

What Groupe elected their first democratic member of Congress under the new deal coalition?

African Americans

What group elected first democratic member of congress under the new deal coalition?

African Americans

What group elected their first democratic member congress under the new deal coalition?

African Americans

What did congress do to deal with banking crisis?

congress passed the emergency banking bill.

Who is responsible for regulating our immigration?

Congress does. It is not written in the constitution exactly how to deal with it.

What limited powers of congress meant it could not deal effectively with?

The limited powers of Congress meant it could not deal effectively with the country's economic problems and trade problems.

What was the problem with trumans fair deal?

it did not recieve support in congress