

What did the inulet use to make igloos?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What did the inulet use to make igloos?
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What did the inuit use to make igloos?

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How do polar bears make igloos?

They do not make igloos. Inuit and Eskimos make igloos, not polar bears.

Can we find igloos in Nunavut?

yes the Inuits who make up 85% of the population use igloos to move when they are hunting but they do not use them as their actuall house

What do Eskimos use to make a window in an igloo?

Inuits do not have igloos.

How do Canadians make their igloos?

Canadians DO NOT live in igloos. We live in houses

How did the Inuits build shelter?

in the winter they built igloos and summer the used animal skins to make tents

What do you use to make igloos?

Blocks of hard-packed snow, carved to shape with a large knife.

Are the igloos still use?


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they used snow to make igloos and other things to make their home

What did the Eskimos pay for their igloos?

Igloos were not paid for. If they needed an igloo they had to make it. Usually other members of the tribe helped to make one.

What did they use for windows in ogloo?

Igloos do not have windows.

Where do people use igloos?

The place where people use igloos is up in the high north.... lest say the tip top of Canada, or even Alaska.