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They were Auschwitz concentration camp numbers and did not have any 'meaning'.

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Q: What did the numbers on Jewish prisoners mean?
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What was the name of Jewish prisoners that controlled a group of Jewish prisoners?

"Kapos" .

Why did the Jew prisoners often mistreated other prisoners?

Without specifying a timeframe for this an answer is impossible. This is aside from the fact that there is no circumstance where Jewish prisoners were known for mistreating non-Jewish prisoners.

Why did the Nazis tattoo Jewish prisoners?

* It was permanent. * It was cheap. * It was degrading. * It helped the Nazis keep tabs on prisoners. Obviously, the tattooed numbers were only given to prisoners selected for work. Moreoever, it was used only at the Auschwitz group of camps.


In prison

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to seperate jewish from non jewish prisoners in concentration camps

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Were there people at Bergan-Belsen who were not Jewish?

Yes. The Nazis running the camp were not Jewish. Additionally, there were non-Jewish political prisoners at Bergen-Belsen and other minorities like Gypsies interned there. However, the overwhelming majority of prisoners at Bergen-Belsen were Jewish.

What were the striped pyjamas?

The striped pyjamas were the uniform of the Jewish prisoners.

What are non-jewish civilians in the camp as laborers?

prisoners usually.

What was the name of the intake center for new Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz?


What is it called where Jewish prisoners in labor camps slept?

barracks usually.

In what number order were Jewish prisoners tattooed in Auschwitz?

Arithmetically increasing.