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The new stone age people got into farming and other industries. and this increased population because their was enough foor to feed everone

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Q: What did the people do for the first time during the new stone age?
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magnify glass
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Why the stone age is called the stone age?

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During what time period was the Stone Age?

The Stone Age took place during the Paleolithic time period. Other occurrences during this period include the controlling of fire and the implementing of stone tools and weapons.

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Airplanes were not invented during the time of the first Thanksgiving.

What was the Stone Age?

The stone age is the period of time when a stone was first used for a tool.

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They were nomadic hunter gatherers in lifestyle and therefore spent most of their time looking for food.

Why do you call it the stone age?

People call it the Stone Age because of the about of stone tools at the time.

When was the first time people could read hieroglyphics?

After the Rosetta Stone was deciphered in 1822, scholars where able to read Hieroglyphics.

Who was the king during the stone age?

Rocky Balboa. Seriously though, the Stone Age was from roughly 700,000 BCE to 8000 BCE. It is the prehistoric period during which stone tools were developed and used. "Prehistoric" means it was before historical / written records. Different groups of people were in the Stone Age at different time, since they did not all discover how to make stone tools at the same time or progress to more adanced tools simultaneously. Generally, we would not know who was ruling during the Stone Age. Also, to give an answer if it were known, we would need to know when and where.