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Most of the time they would bleed the patient with a tool called a lancet. Hope this helps!

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they couldn't do anything, luckily a year after it broke out in londo the great fire wiped it it killing the rats which carried it.

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Q: How did the people in the 1700 cure smallpox?
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What was used to cure smallpox before this invention?

nothing, people died

What cure smallpox?

A vaccination.

Why has smallpox been eradicated but not AIDS?

Because the cure for smallpox has been discovered, but the cure for AIDS has not been discovered

Cure for smallpox?

No cure, it is viral. However vaccination has eliminated it.

What are the cures for smallpox?

The cure for smallpox is cowpox. Cowpox is a mild version of smallpox and is usually not fatal. The smallpox vaccine contains cowpox.

What serious illnesses were there in the 1700's?

the black plauge and the smallpox

What did Bernard Mills discover?

He discoverd that the cure for smallpox

When did Edward Jenner get smallpox?

he didn't get it but he did cure it in 1796

What were the sicknesses of Virginia in the 1700's?

the answer to this question is that smallpox is a disease that can be found in virginia

What efforts were made to cure typhus?

ther is no cure but there is treatments.

What desease was Edward Jenner interested in?

He discovered a cure for smallpox.

How cure smallpoks?

Smallpox? It was cured/eradicated by mass vaccination.