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Q: What did thomas young discover about the Rosetta stone?
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Who deciphered the hieroglyphics with the Rosetta Stone?

Thomas Young and Jean-Francois Champollion.

What is the royal name that appears in its cartouche six times on the Rosetta Stone?

thomas young

Who was the first scholar to identify some letters in the demotic passage on the Rosetta stone?

Thomas Young

Are there Rosetta Stone programs available for young children?

Yes, there are Rosetta Stone programs available for young children.

Who translated the entire Rosetta stone?

yes. It was translated by Jean Francois Champollion in 1822. The Rosetta Stone was found by french soldiers when they were rebuilding a fort in Egypt.

What did Thomas Young invent?

Thomas Young (13 June 1773 - 10 May 1829) made notable scientific contributions to the fields of vision, light, solid mechanics, energy, physiology, language, musical harmony and Egyptology. Of particular note was his decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs, including the famous Rosetta Stone.

Who helped to decode the Rosetta Stone?

Jean-Francois Champollion unlocked the hieroglyphics in 1821-22. (Thomas Young was his fellow researcher)

Where were Egyptian symbols first deciphered?

Egyptian symbols were being deciphered by many people by studying the Rosetta Stone. Thomas Young and other scholars worked to decipher the symbols. Jean Francois Champollion is credited as the first person to read Egyptian symbols by studying the works of Young and the Rosetta Stone.

What is hieroglyphic Egyptian stone tablets?

The Rosetta Stone. While the Rosetta Stone did have Hieroglyphics on it, it also had the same passage inscribed in the Demotic and Classical Greek languages. This helped Young and Champollion in their translations of the Hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone. A stone slab with just Hieroglyphics would be called a stele. Steles or stelae can be found worldwide, not just in Egypt.

What was the stone that was the key to hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone The name of the stone is the Rosetta Stone. It was found in 1799 by a few of Napoleon's soldiers while they were knocking down an old wall in order to build a new fort. The Rosetta Stone is the reason why we can now read and understand hieroglyphics.

What was the key to unlocking hieroglyphics?

The decipherment of the Hieroglyphs was largely the work of Thomas Young of England and Jean-François Champollion of France. The hieroglyphic text on the Rosetta Stone contains six identical cartouches (oval figures enclosing hieroglyphs). Young deciphered the cartouche as the name of Ptolemy and proved a long-held assumption that the cartouches found in other inscriptions were the names of royalty. By examining the direction in which the bird and animal characters faced, Young also discovered the way in which hieroglyphic signs were to be read. In 1821-22 Champollion, starting where Young left off, began to publish papers on the decipherment of hieratic and hieroglyphic writing based on study of the Rosetta Stone (currently in the British Museum in London) and eventually established an entire list of signs with their Greek equivalents. He was the first Egyptologist to realize that some of the signs were alphabetic, some syllabic, and some determinative, standing for the whole idea or object previously expressed. He also established that the hieroglyphic text of the Rosetta Stone was a translation from the Greek, not, as had been thought, the reverse. The work of these two men, Thomas Young of England and Jean-François Champollion of France, established the basis for the translation of all future Egyptian hieroglyphic texts.

Who was champolin?

Jean-Francois was Champollion together with Thomas Young studied the Rosetta Stone -a piece of basalt stone on which there was a text in three writings, found in Rashid, near Cairo in 1799: Greek, Egyptian demotic, and hieroglyphic. Using the known Greek words, it helped to decipher the hieroglyphs for the first time.