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Q: What direction must be traveled to get from San Antonio to Texarkana?
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What direction must the ship be sailing?

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Do vectors have a direction?

Yes, vectors must have the direction. Without direction, it is simply a scalar quantity.

What must a vector have?

a magnitude and direction

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Speed and direction of motion are needed to determine velocity.

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What must be applied to an object to change its direction?

Forces cause motion or the change in motion.

In velocity do you put the direction?

Yes, always. Velocity is a vector, meaning it has both a magnitude and a direction. You must account for the direction. Speed is the magnitude of velocity and has no direction.

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The first number tells you how far you must go in one direction (by convention, often the horizontal direction); the second number tells you how far you must go in another direction (usually the vertical direction).

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the child must apply a force on the direction perpendicular to the car from the right side

Do vectors have direction?

Yes, vectors must have the direction. Without direction, it is simply a scalar quantity.

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