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All bacterial infections.

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Q: What diseases can be explained with the germ theory?
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Who developed the germ theory for diseases?

Louis Pasteur developed the germ theory for disease!

What is the germ theory of disease?

the theory that all contagious diseases are caused by microorganisms...

The germ theory of disease established that many diseases are caused by what?

poor nutrition

What was pasteur's contribution to evolution?

Louis Pasteur contributes the germ theory of the infectious diseases.

How did the theory of biogenesis lead the way for the germ theory of disease?

how did the theory of biogenesis lead the way for germ theory disease

Why is germ theory important in infectious disease?

The germ theory was controversial at the time but is now what are entire health system is based on. Without a belief in microorganisms we wouldn't be able to treat many diseases.

Was the Germ theory bigger than the discovery of DNA?

Up until now germ theory has been bigger however in the future DNA will be used to cure diseases before hand you dunoe

What is the germ theory in diseases?

The germ theory purports that microscopic germs act as agents of disease. This theory was made after a doctor noticed the high rate of infection caused by doctors delivering babies after touching cadavers and not washing their hands.

How did the theory of biogenesis lead the way for germ theory of disease?

how did the theory of biogenesis lead the way for germ theory disease

What things did Louis Pasteur discover?

Louis Pasteur has many contributions in bacteriology, germ theory of diseases, vaccination, fermentation, etc.

When was the germ theory discovered?

Louis Pasteur was the first man to stumble across the germ theory, and was discovered in 1861. This then led to many other diseases being found as everyone know knew that germs caused disease. Robert Koch was one of these scientists and he found the cure for two of the most deadliest diseases from the time: cholera and TB (tuberculosis), with the help from a microsope he was able to isolate the germ that caused the disease and so other scientists could then work on how to cure the diseases.