

Best Answer

They were two of the conspirators who killed him.

They were two of the conspirators who killed him.

They were two of the conspirators who killed him.

They were two of the conspirators who killed him.

They were two of the conspirators who killed him.

They were two of the conspirators who killed him.

They were two of the conspirators who killed him.

They were two of the conspirators who killed him.

They were two of the conspirators who killed him.

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They were two of the conspirators who killed him.

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Q: What do Brutus and Cassius have to do with Caesars death?
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Who had bigger part of Caesars death Cassius or Brutus?

Although both stabbed Caesar, Brutus was recruited to the conspiracy by Cassius, so Cassius had the bigger part.

How does Cassius respond to the death of brutus?

Cassius does not respond to the death of Brutus as Cassius dies before Brutus does. Brutus responds to Cassius' death with tender words.

Who was Brutus's mirror?

He was Julius Caesars nephew and killed Julius Caesar with a knife.

Who were Julius caesars assassinators?

cassius,casca,decius,cinna,metellus,trebonius,brutus, and ligarius.

What motivates Cassius to tell Brutus about Caesars weakness?

Cassius has a lot of envy towards Caesar, he wants the power and wont let casar get it! so he manipulates brutus into thinking that Caesar is a tyrant and that hes going to abuse his power. brutus, being an idealist, believes Cassius and assassinates his friend, Caesar.

Was anyone suspected of Julius caesars death?

Marcus Brutus

What wrong does Cassius say Brutus has done to him?

Cassius feels that Brutus has insulted him, during the argument they have after the death of Caesar. Brutus calls him greedy and believes Cassius's intention of kill Caesar was not for honor, but for money.

Why is Cassius so shocked when told of Portia's death by brutus?

brutus does not seem upset by it

How does brutus react to Cassius death?

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How does Brutus persuade Cassius not to kill Mark Antony?


Who avenged Caesar's death?

Octavian and Marc Antony avenged Caesar's death at the battle of Philippi, where they defeated the armies of Brutus and Cassius. Brutus and Cassius both committed suicide after their loss.

Why does Antony read caesars will to people?

The reason Antony does this is to make the citizens/ the poor to go and against Cassius, Brutus, and the conspirators. :D