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Roast lamb. Catholics do not buy hot cross buns before Good Friday, they only eat fish Good Friday, no red meat. Easter Sunday they eat Roast lamb, at lunch time. They do not eat chocolate eggs before Easter Sunday either...

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Most Catholics give up something they like to eat or do like, "candy, electronics" If you want to truly fast though you would eat just bread and water all forty days!

Roman Catholic Answer: The answer above refers to Lent, the forty day preparation for Easter. There is no specific food that is common to all Catholics during Easter itself. An awful lot of it is culture specific. Lamb or ham is common here in the United States as for any festive occasion. The important thing is that the fast of Lent is over and we are in celebration that Christ rose from the dead!

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14y ago

During Easter, Catholics celebrate the fact that Jesus rose from the dead. Many Catholics attend mass, and particpate in 40 days of fasting prior to Easter Sunday.

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Easter eggs can be eaten at any time of the year. However, traditionally, it is suggested that you begin to eat Easter eggs on Easter Sunday and continue to eat eggs until all have been consumed.

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What does Easter Duty mean?

Catholics are required to receive Holy Communion at least once a year between the First Sunday of Lent and Trinity Sunday. This is basically the liturgical time period surrounding Easter, thus it is called "Easter Duty".