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Eternal life in heaven.

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Q: What do Christains believe they will gain by accepting Jesus and his teachings?
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What do Cristians believe they will gain by accepting Jesus and his teachings?

Absolution and a place in Gods Kingdom.

Why christains believe in jesus?

Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the savior who came into this world to save them of their sins.

What christains believe in?

Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and is coming back for his children.

Are Christains Muslims?

No, Muslims do not believe that Jesus is God and Christians do. This is one of the main differences, but there are many more.

Is accepting Jesus Christ a type of baptism?

Yes some do believe this. They believe if you accept Jesus, you are baptized with the Holy Spirit.

What ceremony do christains go through to show that they believe in Jesus Christ as their savior?

Baptism. In the Bible, baptism is a believers baptism. Someone who believes in Jesus Christ as their saviour.

Why do people fail to believe your teachings about Jesus?

Either they do not trust your message or they do not trust Jesus'.

Who do christains worship?

They worship Jesus on Sundays at church

Do Christians believe Jesus was the son of God?

As a good and strong christian, I believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God. Christains do believe and supposed to believe Jesus is the son of God because "christian" means "christ-like". Christians follow the ways of Jesus Christ because he established the church and called it his. It is in the bible that Jesus was in existence before he was killed but then he rose again and fulfilled his promise.

What do christians believe will happen if they accept Jesus and his teachings?

Christians believe that accepting Jesus Christ as saviour will restore their relationship with God and will give them life after death. John 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.

In what way are Judaism and Christianity related?

Jews and Christains are related. They both believe in the Lord God. But the Jews only believe in the old testament ( Before Jesus was born). The christians believe in both the old and the new testament. To make this simpler the Jews didn't believe in Jesus but the christians did. Another name for Jesus was the messiah. Pronouced Me-Sigh-A.

I partially believe in the teachings of Jesus and the 10 commandments and stuff but I don't really believe in god does this make me atheist?

If you do not believe in God that makes you to qualify as an athiest because God is above everything. You cannot believe partially in the teachings of Jesus and the 10 commandments but you need to be fully into it.