

What do iceland people eat?

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12y ago

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Hamburgers,pasta almost everything americans eat.except twinkies we dont have twinkies

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Q: What do iceland people eat?
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same as any other civilian in iceland. food, groceries

How do people in Iceland eat their food?

With their mouth, like average people.

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They breathe, eat, drink and copulate!

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People in Iceland eat meat and fish. They don't have many natural resources, so they prefer to drink.

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People who come from Iceland are called Icelanders

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Do the people of Iceland eat anything else other than fish heads and lamb heads?

Of course, we eat Pizzas and Hamburgers and every single thing Americans eat

What do call someone from Iceland?

A person from Iceland is called an Icelander. If a person is from Iceland they are Icelandic.

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