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Satan, or Shaitan is consider to be the father of the Jinns in Islam whose name is Iblees. He was once a pious servant of God but fell from grace when he refused to bow down before Adam at the time of man's creation. As Iblees was created of fire and Adam of clay, Iblees felt he was superior to Adam. This incurred God's wrath and after that incident he was banished from the garden of eden. He is considered to be on earth doing his utmost to lead mankind away from belief and worship in one God so as to take as many of the children of Adam into the hellfire with him on judgment day. Unlike in other religions where he is considered to be the keeper or custodian of the hellfire, the Islamic belief is that he will be an inmate of hell on the day of judgment who will face punishment for his misdeeds alongside all those of mankind and jinnkind who enter the fire.

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Yes, the angels are the personal servants of God. Whereas humans have choices and can equally do good and bad the angels are all good, have no free will and always do as they are commanded by God. There are many different types of angels who have various duties. In Islam, there are four main Archangels

Jibra'il (Gabriel) - He's the Highest ranked of the angels and their leader.

Mikha'il (Michael) - He's in charge of the maintaining the cosmic balance.

Isra'il (Azrael) - He's the Archangel of Death, charged with collecting the souls of those who are to pass away.

Isra'fil - He's will blow the horn which will signify the end of the world and the beginning of the final judgment.

Although I refer to the angels as 'he' they are not essentially considered to be of any gender.


Yes Muslims believe in angles.The Six main Articles of faith in Islam is one to believe in All his (God) Angels.

Holy Quran Says:

All praise belongs to Allah the Maker of the heavens and the earth, Who employs the angels as messengers, having wings, two, three and four. Surah Al-Fatir (Ch. 35, v. 2)

The Holy Quran has a very special style of elucidating all such passages where there lies a danger of obscurity -- it does this with the help of other similar usages. About the wings, for instance, we also find these mentioned in relation to a son's attitude towards his elderly parents. Building this subject, the Holy Quran admonishes the son to lower his wing of mercy over his parents, as they brought him up from the time of his infancy. 'Wing' only means attributes and powers, and we believe it is in this sense that wings are attributed to angels, or to persons claiming divine manifestation from among the various religions. For instance, in Gita, Krishna is known to have possessed four arms instead of two. There the extra pair of arms serve the same purpose as the wings found in other divine books.

Angels are responsible for controlling and maintaining the laws of nature. Virus and bacteria are governed, organised and maintained by specific angels, who work in harmony with each other to maintain a perfect balance. Similarly, eco-systems are not accidental or chaotic, but are regulated by the invisible, spiritual beings that we call angels.
Yes. It is one of the basic items of faith in Islam to believe in angels.

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10y ago

Muslims belive in the prime view of them. Angels were made out of light and can never disobey God. The devil was a jinn. The jinn were made out of smokeless fire (plasma), and like us humans, they have freedom to pick sin or not.

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12y ago


The Devil was a creation of God, but not an angel. He was from spirits whom we call the 'Jinn'.

When God created Adam, He commanded all the Angels and all the Jinn to bow down to Adam. Satan refused to obey because he thought that he was better than Adam - since God created Adam from clay and created the Jinn from fire. So God cursed Satan for his arrogance and rebellion. Then Satan asked God to grant him life until the Day of Judgement and swore that he would come at Mankind from every direction to try and mislead him into unbelief.

Satan tries to do the following: 1) to make people disbelieve in God or to worship anyone along with God ( like idol worshippers and Christians who say that Jesus is God ). That is the biggest sin. 2) if he cannot get someone to completely disbelieve in or ascribe partners to God, then he tries to get people to commit the greater sins ( like murder, suicide, fornication, adultery, drinking alcohol, gambling, etc. 3) If he cannot do that, then he tries to get someone to commit the lesser sins. He just keeps trying. He comes at people from every direction - even through seemingly good people.

He is a jealous, arrogant, cursed being. But his ONLY power is the power of suggestion. He can suggest to us, but we are responsible for doing what he suggests or not. He is our enemy - our sworn enemy - and we have to do everything we can to know his tricks and stay in obedienece to God.

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12y ago

Muslims believe in one, unique, incomparable God, Who has no son nor partner, and that none has the right to be worshiped but Him alone. He is the true God, and every other deity is false. He has the most magnificent names and sublime perfect attributes.

No one shares His divinity, nor His attributes. In the Quran, God describes Himself:

Say, "He is God, the One. God, to Whom the creatures turn for their needs. He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none like Him." (Quran, 112:1-4)

Muslims believe in the existence of the angels and that they are honored creatures. The angels worship God alone, obey Him, and act only by His command. Among the angels is Gabriel, who brought down the Quran to Muhammad .

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11y ago

Muslims believe about Shaitan (Devil) That he ,whispers in their ears and tell them to do bad things. If they do the bad things that Shaitan says they will have bad things in their bad things list

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Yes, Muslims believe in the Devil- they refer to him as the Shaytan. Any Muslims who are pushed to do wrong by the Devil, will be punished by Allah, and Allah only.

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Yes, Muslims believe in the existence of the Devil and the devil is their enemy who persuades human to do wrong and to disobey God commands.

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according to Islam angels are not material being and do not have gender. they are not male or female.

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Do Muslim believe in angles?

Yes. Muslims believe that geometry and math are real (just like everyone else). They believe in acute angles, right angles, and obtuse angles. If you meant to ask about "angels" and it was just misspelled, Muslims also believe in them. It is one of the basic items of faith in Islam to believe in angels.

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