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Paris and Romeo are both characters in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." They are both potential suitors for Juliet, with Paris being a nobleman chosen by Juliet's parents and Romeo being Juliet's true love. Both characters play important roles in the story's tragic outcome.

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Both of them loved Juliet and wanted to marry her.

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Q: What do Paris and Romeo have in common?
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What happens when Romeo and Paris meet?

romeo fights Paris (where?) and Paris dies.

Who wins the fight between Paris and romeo?

Romeo wins. Paris dies.

Why does Paris think that romeo has come?

Paris suspects romeo is attempting to desecrate the tomb.

Why did romeo lay Paris in the Capulet tomb?

After Romeo injured Paris. Paris told him "Lay me in the tomb with Juliet". Romeo agrees and put him in the tomb with Juliet.

Who did Paris and romeo want to marry?

Romeo wanted to marry Juliet, while Paris wanted to marry Juliet as well in the play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare.

What are the circumstances of Paris death in romeo and Juliet?

Paris goes to pay his last respects to Juliet , when Romeo shows up . Then Paris and Romeo gets into a fight and kills Paris. As Paris's last word he says" Oh, I am slain, if thou be merciful, open the tomb, lay me with Juliet." So Romeo lays him (Paris) next to his wife Juliet (Romeo's Wife).

What happens between Paris and romeo at juliets tomb?

At Juliet's tomb, Paris discovers Romeo there and believes he has come to defile the tomb. A fight ensues between them, resulting in Paris being killed by Romeo. Romeo then takes his own life beside Juliet, expressing his love for her even in death.

Why does Paris think that Romeo come to the tomb?

Paris thinks that Romeo plans to commit some act of desecration or vandalism. Paris is easily prejudiced and is happy to believe that Romeo is an evil monster just because he is a Montague. Compare Paris instantly believing the worst of Romeo to Romeo's compassionate behaviour to Paris.

Why does Paris think romeo is at Juliet tomb?

Paris thinks that Romeo is there to vandalize or dishonor Juliet's body.

How did Paris die?

Romeo kills him when Paris tries to arrest him. Paris is under the impression that Romeo is hanging around the Capulet tomb to desecrate it.

Who is Romeo destined to marry in Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo isn't destined to marry anyone. He does fall in love with Juliet. Juliet is the one that is destined to marry Paris.

Why does Romeo kill Paris?

When Romeo finds out that Juliet is 'Dead' he goes to see her in her tomb, and as Paris is there, he tries to stop him from seeing her, thus Romeo kills him.