

What do alleles determine?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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They control your phenotype, or your physical traits. There are more that they control, but I don't know what they are.

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Q: What do alleles determine?
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Does a single pair of alleles always determine an individual trait?

No, often many other alleles will also determine the same trait. For example, many alleles put together will determine a person's skin color.

What will determine the genotype of an organism?

The alleles that are passed from parents to offspring

What is the purpose of test crossing?

To determine the presence of resessive alleles. :]

Mendel determined that pea plants have two alleles that determine height Where do these alleles come from?

One from Male, and one from Female

Different forms a gene may have for a traits?

They are called alleles. Alleles determine things such as your eyecolor, height, fingerprints, etc.

What two factors determine the alleles an organism ends up with?

Dominant and recessive

Are punnett squares related to geneticists?

Yes. They are a diagram used to determine the alleles of a subject.

The two genes that determine the sex of offspring?

The asnser is "alleles" and your welcome diego-erick

What did Mendel make to determine a trait forms and their alleles were inherited together?

THE answer is Dihybrid Crosses

An example of a trait that is determine by multiple alleles is?

Human height , sin color ,intelligence e.t.c.

What did Mendel make to determine if certain trait forms and their alleles were inherited together.?

Dihybrid crosses

Mendel made to determine if certain trait forms and their alleles were inherited together.?

dihybrid crosses