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Bats and dolphins use ultrasound to locate their prey. They use a SONAR (sound and navigation system). They send out ultrasonic waves using their mouth or nose and when the waves hit an object they bounce of and make an echo. Bats can tell what the object is and even the shape and size of it just because of the sound of the echo.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Yes they do. They have little hairs on the ends of there noses and the hairs vibrate when things make noise so they know how far away they are. And they use clicking noises to communicate so when the other dolphins call back they can find each other because of the little hairs. It feels more like peach fuzz.

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13y ago

im not sure but they use little hairs on there noses to communicate with other animals the hairs on there noses vibrate making sound !!

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10y ago

dolphines use ultrasound to navigate through water to find food

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Which animals use ultrasound waves?

There are many animals that use ultrasound. Some of these anmimals include; cats, dogs, dolphins, mice, fish and whales. the can use it to detect their prey

How does ultrasound work with dolphins?

because is dark in the sea, so the dolphins can't see. the dolphins use ultra sound to navigate and to hunt for pray, like a bat does.

How do you dolphins talk each other?

with ultrasound

How do dolpins comunicate?

Whistles are used by dolphins to communicate, though the nature and extent of their ability to communicate in this way is not known.Dolphins use - Ultrasound to communicate.

Who uses ultrasound?

Animals use ultrasound but i do not know what animals do,

What jobs use ultrasound waves?

Doctors use ultrasound to check the health of an unborn baby.

Are there any uses of ultrasound in medicine?

yes when you get an ULTRASOUND when your pregnant it use ultrasound waves to show the image.

How do holer monkeys use ultrasound?

Ultrasound is below the threshold of human hearing. Howler monkeys use ultrasound because it travels much further than higher frequencies.

How do scientists use dolphins to study?

to study dolphins

Sonar can make use of?


What can sonar make use of?


Which household item might use ultrasound?

A coffe machine