

What do atoms combined to form?

Updated: 6/21/2022
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Q: What do atoms combined to form?
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Combined atoms form what?

Well, they can form molecules. Molecules join together to form elements. Elements join together to form compounds.

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What atoms form when they combine together?

They create molecules. If the atoms joined together are from different elements they create polar molecules.

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When do compounds form?

when are atoms are more stable existed at a lower energy state in a combined form

What type of bond if formed if atoms donate electrons to other atoms when the elements are combined?

Cations donate atoms to form an ionic bond.

What type of bond is formed if atoms donate electrons to other atoms when the elements are combined?

Cations donate atoms to form an ionic bond.

How atoms are combined to form molecule?

Through the sharing of electrons in molecular orbitals.

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it is a compound carbon hydrogen and oxegen atoms combined form it

What two kinds of atoms form quartz?

Quartz is two atoms of oxygen combined with one atom of silicon (SiO2).

What atoms combine with halogens to make salt?

Sodium combined with chlorine form salt.