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It is not a matter of belief, it is a matter of law.

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Q: What do believe for someone who convicted of DWI what should there punishment be?
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What should be the capital punishment?

Capital punishment is legally sentencing someone to death through means of a countries legislation. So that is what it should be.

Some people believe that there should be Fixed punishment for each type of crime.others argue that circumstances of an individual crime and the motivation for commiting it should always be taken into?

....... taken into account when deciding on the punishment

What should the punishment be for convicted hackers and why?

The punishment sould fit the crime. I would think minor cases could be dealt with by public service. However serious cases cyber-theft or destruction/altering of data should be dealt with by hard prison time; and without access to a system while incarcerated.

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It depends on the felony conviction. Especially if the felon is child predator.

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waterboarding.Addendum:Terrorists who are caught in a plot but who have not been involved in a terrorist act, should be tried and if convicted of conspiracy and imprisoned.Terrorists who have caused property damage but no injury to humans should be tried as non-military combatants in a military court and if convicted face the punishment determined for that crime, be it imprisonment or execution.Terrorists who cause physical harm to others or death, should be shot upon capture.

What do you think should happen to someone who does something illegal?

They should be punished. The severity of the punishment however needs to fit the crime that took place.

Should capital punishment be introduced in Mauritius?

Apart from the moral problems and the limited evidence of effectiveness, there is also the undeniable fact that people are mistakenly convicted - around 1% in the USA is a widely accepted figure. If you accept capital punishment, then you have to accept that the state will execute innocent people.

A friend and you are planning a bet and whomever is the first to kiss a guy will lose so What should the punishment be?

Why do you need someone else to answer that?

Capital punishment should be abolished in the US?

capital punishment should be abolished in the U.S.

Why should you believe in birthdays?

It celebrates the ageing of someone into a new year.

Can you avoid jail time by leaving the state of conviction?

If you were convicted, you should be in custody. But in any case, no, you cannot get away with the punishment just ebcause you left; you would be extradited back to the convicting state once you are caught.

Should capital punishment be reintroduced in mauritius?

Apart from the moral problems and the limited evidence of effectiveness, there is also the undeniable fact that people are mistakenly convicted - around 1% in the USA is a widely accepted figure. If you accept capital punishment, then you have to accept that the state will execute innocent people.