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Cancer cells lack the appropriate response to stop growing...something known as cell recognition. Most cells stop growth when they come in contact with one another, but cancer cells do not. This is why they are so harmful.

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Q: What do cancer cells that metastasize lack?
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One of the dangerous properties of cancer cells is that they?

The most deadly property of cancer cells is their ability to spread and metastasize.

What are the cancer cells called that break free and travel?

This process is called metastasis.

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Prostate Cancer originates in the Male Prostate, however it can metastasize, or spread to other areas of the body.

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No, Cancer cells do not realize that they are becoming invasive and therefore keep dividing and eventually metastasize.

What does it mean to metastasize?

It means a cancer is spreading

Can a fine needle aspiration case the cancer to metastasize?

To acquire a sampling of the cells in a thyroid nodule, an endocrinologist or a radiologist will need to perform a fine needle biopsy. The cells extracted will then be evaluated by a pathologist to determine if the growth is benign or malignant, and if surgery is needed. As for a fine needle biopsy will cause thyroid cancer to metastasize, talk to your doctor.Related Article: How to Prepare for a Needle Biopsy

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Cancer cells that break free from the primary tumor can metastasize via the lymph system. Non-metastasized cancer is easier to treat.

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What is the definition of Cancer?

Cancer: An abnormal growth of cells which tend to proliferate in an uncontrolled way and, in some cases, to metastasize (spread).malignant growth, malignant tumor; disease caused by these growths; invasive and evil influence

Where does colon cancer first metastasize?

The liver. Sometimes the lungs or bones.

How do maligant tumor cells differ to benige tumor cells?

That a benging tumor does not metastasize.