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Carpenter ants don't eat any living things, they just eat food such as sugar, protein, different kinds of meats, jelly, and honeydew that can be found specifically

in your home.

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Q: What do carpenter ants eat that live in your home?
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Do carpenter ants eat drywall?

Carpenter ants do not eat drywall or wood. They hollow it out to nest in it.

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What are the worst ants for hunting in your kitchen?

carpenter ants because they eat wood

Which woods are resistant to carpenter ants?

There are not woods resistant to carpenter ants. The ants must be destroyed by extermination. They chew through the wood to make their homes but do not actually eat the wood like a termites.

How long can a worker carpenter ant survive in a sealed house where they can not get outside?

The ants could survive generations because Carpenter ants can chew through almost anything. Carpenter ants will also eat almost anything, including other ants. It would all depend.

Do carpenter ants eat pine sap?

bla bla blaq

What animal eats carpenter ants?

Birds love to eat ants, and other insects and Spiders. Also, ants and termites are natural enemies, so they will eat each other. Garden snakes will eat ants and bugs too.

Why are carpenter ants decomposers?

Carpenter ants are decomposers because they feed off of dead and decaying trees. They also eat other insects, plants and fruit juices.

What bugs eat wood that?

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Do ants eat tulips?

Yes, some species of ants will eat tulips. However, it varies from species to species. For example, the carpenter ant is usually the culprit for eaten tulips.

What are carpenter ants and how do you get rid of them if they were insects.?

Carpenter ants are ants that make their habitat in wood structures, like trees or homes. They are not as destructive as termites, because they don't eat the wood. An exterminator is a good idea, or you can also buy chemicals if you want to attempt to eliminate them yourself.

What is worse Carpenter ants or Termites?

Termites are known to do more damage to buildings because they actually eat the wood found in buildings and houses. Carpenter ants do damage as well, but only to make room for nests in wood.