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yes, an elephant beetle does have predators. they are :humans, birds, fish (near water), and Spiders.

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They eat meat-flesh from dead animals

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Q: What do carrion beetles eat?
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What kind of beetles are noted for their funeral services?

carrion beetles are that kind of beetles

What does a rhea eat?

They are omnivorous and prefer to eat broad-leafed plants, but also eat seeds, roots, fruit, lizards, beetles, grasshoppers, and carrion.

What do all beetles like to eat?

There are many different kinds of beetles. Some eat fruits, some eat plants, and some even eat dung. There is no one particular food eaten by all beetles.

How does the carrion beetle live?

'Carrion beetles' is a collective term referring to many differing species who subsist on offal, carrion, fungi or dung.

What do fire beetles eat?

Many beetles eat plant material, but some of them will only eat the seeds of one specific kind of plant, or only the leaves of another type of plant. Some will eat decaying organic matter of almost any kind. There are some that specialize in eating one specific kind of fungus. There are also beetles that are predatory, and only eat other insects, or only eat carrion. Some prefer aquatic organisms, or specialize in eating snails, or aphids. Others will eat any kind of meat they can get their little mandibles around.

Do butterflies eat beetles?

no they do not eat beetles. they eat leaves.

What does carrion eat?

As carrion refers to dead flesh it doesn't eat anything but it is eaten by scavengers.

Do beetles eat trees?

yes. beetles would eat almost anything that's dead.

Do skinks eat minnows?

Foods: Skinks eat everything - crickets, snails, carrion (bits of turkey or chicken are okay, if you run out of carrion), fruits, flowers, vegetables, mealworms, earthworms, banana bites, greens, baby foods, grasshoppers, beetles, spiders, caterpillars, and smaller lizards. And eggs, boiled, scrambled, or raw, and probably poached.

What would eat carrion in Australia?

Wedge-tailed eagles and Tasmanian devils eat carrion. So do crows.

Why was the carrion beetle given its name?

They eat carrion, which is rotting dead organisms.

Do caterpillars eat beetles?

yes! beetles eat caterpillars because caterpillars cannot eat beetles because they are softer and smaller so, beetles some do it caterpillars.