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Photosynthetic pigments,mainly chlorophyll.They make chloroplasts green.

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Q: What do chloroplasts have inside of them that will help them trap the sun's energy?
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What part of the leaf traps the suns energy?

The chloroplasts turn the sun's energy into a kind of sugar.

Do animal cells use chloroplasts to trap the suns energy?

No they do not, only plants do.

What is the energy producing organelle in a plant cell?

Chloroplast, Chloroplasts is the site of photosynthesis, where the suns energy is turned into chemical energy

What is found plant cell captures the suns energy to make food?

It's the Chloroplasts.

The part of the plant cell that acts as a light trap to capture suns energy is what?

They are called chloroplasts.

What is a good analogy for chloroplasts?

the simplified answer would a solar panel as it captures energy from the suns rays and turns it into energy or food if it is a chloroplast.

Why do plant cells need energy from the sun?

Plants need energy from the sun for food, they do this through photosynthesis which is the cells of the leaves (palisade cells, and inside those, chloroplasts), gathering the suns energy and changing it into glucose. the plant can then use this glucose for food. :)

What trap sunlight or energy?

Chloroplasts in plants trap sunlight or light energy. They use this during photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide also traps the suns energy and that is why it is a greenhouse.

What is clorophyll and where is it found?

Chlorophyll is the stuff that makes leaves on plants green, and is found in plants. Not humans. In the plant cell, there are organelles (cell organs) called chloroplasts, they trap the suns energy and help convert it into energy, so the plant can survive.

What is found in plant cell caputres the suns enery to make?

The chlorophyll, that is present in the cell organelles called chloroplasts, captures light energy from the sun.

What part of the cell captures energy?

The Palisade Mesophyll is principally responsibly for turning the suns energy into usable chemical energy for the plant though photosynthesis. The Mesophlyy is filled with chloroplasts which is what gives leaves their distinctive green. Hope that helps

Does photosynthesis need the suns heat energy or the suns light energy?

Light energy.